online marketing time

It’s the Online Marketing Time

This article is for all the business owners who have many questions in mind and need answers, BSMART creative agency has the answers, and the first question is why it’s the online marketing time? 

, to reach out for more, the easiest way to reach out to a massive number of targeted clients is through marketing. Reaching will create brand awareness, then engagement, and finally sales, and sales is what keeps your business up and running.

But why specifically online marketing? Cause it has its benefits over offline marketing like it’s cheaper when it comes to marketing cost, it spreads faster, and it’s nowadays world direction. But using one of them and ignoring the other isn’t the best-case scenario here; if there are capabilities, using both Online and Offline Marketing is the best-case scenario.

Bottom line, what determines such step and spotlight focus are two main points: your budget and your marketing objective, as every step, must be fruitful and valid in your business plan. But in all cases, Marketing is a key essential part of your business plan.


Your second question will be: I have my relations, and I can operate my business based on my connections; why should I go for Marketing?

First of all, “your relation & communications” itself is a type of marketing called “Public Relations (PR) marketing.” PR is one of the most potent marketing types that is built upon word of mouth. Currently, it has its’ own digitalized form through writing website articles and publishing it on creditable websites to increase your credibility when you appear in your target audience’s search.

But be careful as any business grow; it also requires a broader audience circle, which means your current list of communication won’t live up to your business requirements at a point when you are going to need a faster, vaster, and more productive operation.


So what should I do in order to appear in the top search of my targeted audience?

Great question and its’ answer is two words “Marketing Strategy.” A strategic marketing plan that is built upon the 4Ps of Marketing will create the solution to your pain point.


What are the 4Ps of marketing? According to Hubspot in their article “

what is the marketing mix?

“It refers to the

four key elements of a marketing strategy:

product, price, place, and promotion.

These elements guide the marketing initiatives, wording, and positioning for a product or brand.”

Meaning you have to have certain answers for the marketing team so that they can provide you with an accurate marketing strategy so you can reach the top results in the search queries. And the questions you have to have answers for regarding the 4Ps are:

1- Product:

The goal here is to achieve an accurate position by replying to the following: what is the added value your product provides for your customers? What is your brand/product name? What are its’ benefits, competitive edge, size, features, quality, and variety? Is there is warranty or a clear replacement and refund policy? 

2- price:

what does your product/service cost? Is it a competitive price? Is there any kind of seasonal or annual discounts? Is there money facilitations like payment online, visa, or master cards method? Will there pay instalment system? all these questions answers can create strong, appealing marketing ideas, so the marketing should be aware of all its’ details. Especially if they are planning for a sales funnel and paid ads strategy. 


After studying the previous two Ps, the marketing squad will make a targeted buyer persona; through it, they can find out where, when, and how your audience is spending their time. And based on such analysis, they will decide where is the best platform and method to reveal the marketing campaign ideas and reach the maximum results through being presented on the accurate online or offline platform.



Here is where all the action takes place; the elements of accurate promotion are well-crafted content ideas, branded visuals, accurately targeted ads, accurate publishing time & tools, results tracking, and reaccessing of the marketing strategy direction and objectives every now and then.

This will create the needed purpose for any marketing campaign, which is brand awareness, consideration, engagement, action, and brand loyalty.


Now, you are fully aware of the answer to the question “Why it’s the Online Marketing Time?”, and you are aware of the step of a successful marketing plan, these 4Ps can create the marketing mix you need in order to achieve your results and reach your targeted audience, if you need help to reach such goal, contact us at BSMART creative agency and we will help you set SMART goals for your marketing plan. 
